To me, this appeared to be a profound testimony to the immeasurable value of the human person from the moment of conception until natural death. The sheer magnitude of those assembled from across the country, people the president said numbered “in the tens of thousands” but perhaps more accurately numbering in the hundreds of thousands, is in my mind proof that abortion is the key moral issue of our time.

The crowds, stretched farther than I could see in both directions, were packed so close together it appeared as one continuous mass of people. Prior to reaching Capitol Hill, I was unable to get an appreciation for how large the march really was, but when I finally reached the summit, I looked back in amazement. And it’s your generation that is making America the pro-family, pro-life nation.” I then recalled the words spoken earlier by the president: “Young people are the heart of the March for Life. Being a young person myself, I felt right at home.Īs I observed the many young faces flow past me towards Constitution Avenue, it dawned on me that this generation, my generation, is the energy behind the pro-life movement. Throughout the day, I was struck by the overwhelming number of high school students, homeschoolers, college students, and young adults who seemed to make up the majority of the crowd. The excitement produced by president Trump’s presence was apparent in the faces of the marchers, and it seemed to reinforce the significance of our own public witness. Many have called this year’s March for Life historic, because for the first time in history the sitting president of the United States personally attended the event.

This was my first time attending the event, and I found myself inspired by the enthusiasm, prayer, and peacefulness which seemed to surround both the marchers and the march itself. On January 24 th, people from all walks of life gathered in Washington D.C.